
PlantIMS is Marie Sklodowska-Curie action project at Comenius university in Bratislava.

The scientific papers, available research data and other publications are avialable at the ZENODO page of the PlantIMS project: .

The Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) has the potential to be developed as a fast and sensitive detection method for substances from plants. Within the project, we plan to optimize operation parameters of IMS to improve the sensitivity and selectivity, and also to develop suitable sampling methods and methodology for the detection of the substances from plants. The host institution (HI) offers an excellent multidisciplinary research environment and enables fellow access to their unique experimental techniques in the field of IMS instrumentation including IMS-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (IMS-TOFMS).

In addition, HI will provide expertise in the field of ion chemistry, plasma physics, access to available analytical methods, and interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of plant physiology. The fellow will contribute with her unique experience in the application of IMS in analytical sciences, to develop the sampling methods and methodology of IMS measurements. The project will boost the fellow’s research skills, enables her to gain experience in interdisciplinary research, and start an independent researcher career.

We welcome students to join the project.

Contact us:

Department of Experimental Physics
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and informatics
Comenius University, 84248 Bratislava, Slovakia